Admission Requirements
Students must provide evidence of potential for success to be admitted to the Exceptional Education Department.
Students who indicated an interest in the exceptional education major when applying to the college as freshmen will be enrolled as an EXE premajor (0301) and be assigned an advisor. At the end of the semester, their records will be reviewed. They will be accepted as a major if they have met the following requirements:
- Submission of an EXE application and a “Commit to Major” form (both can be obtained in KH 202)
- Successful completion of 12 hours at Buffalo State
- Successful completion of ENG 101 and 102 (or enrollment in ENG 102)
- Earning at least two “C” grades in two GE 2000 courses
- Passing the math competency
- Earning a cumulative GPA of 2.6
Once accepted, they will be assigned an advisor based on their choice of concentration. Students who have not met these requirements will remain as premajors and their records will be reviewed again at the end of the next semester.
- EXE pre-majors are NOT allowed into courses designated "For majors only."
- Pre-major status does not guarantee subsequent admission to the major.
Up to 30 qualified transfer students are directly accepted into the major. They must complete an application form and select an academic concentration before being assigned to an advisor.
Transfer students from other colleges who aren’t accepted into EXE directly by the Admissions Office will be accepted as EXE premajors (0301). They will be accepted as majors after:
- Submission of an EXE application application and a “Commit to Major” form (both can be obtained in Ketchum Hall 202)
- Successful completion of 12 hours at Buffalo State
- Successful completion of ENG 101 and 102 (or enrollment in ENG 102)
- Earning at least two “C” grades in two GE 2000 courses
- Passing the math competency
- Earning a cumulative GPA of 2.6
- EXE pre-majors are NOT allowed into courses designated "For majors only."
- Pre-major status does not guarantee subsequent admission to the major.
Buffalo State students who are undeclared or wishing to change to an EXE major from another major will be accepted directly into the major after:
- Submission of an EXE application application and a “Change of Major” form (both can be obtained in KH 202)
- Successful completion of ENG 101 and 102
- Earning at least two “C” grades in two core courses
- Passing the math competency
- Earning a cumulative GPA of 2.6 after completion of 12 credit hours at Buffalo State
Students who meet 2, 3, and 4 above will be accepted as pre-majors (0301) if their cumulative GPA is between a 2.5 and a 2.59. They can be accepted into the major only after earning a cumulative GPA of 2.6.
- EXE pre-majors are NOT allowed into courses designated "For majors only."
- Pre-major status does not guarantee subsequent admission to the major.