"Buffalo State gets you into the classroom much earlier than other colleges."

Undergraduate Level
Undergraduate teacher candidates complete student teaching as the culminating experience of the program.
As the Exceptional Education Department transitions to a new undergraduate program, the timeline and structure of student teaching placements will vary.
Teacher candidates should consult with their advisers to learn more about student teaching.
Student Field Placement Handbook (PDF) Mentor Handbook (PDF)Graduate Level
Students in the Exceptional Education master's programs must student teach if they do not hold initial certification or if they are seeking an additional certification area.
Teacher candidate's may apply for initial certification or an additional certification area (as the case may be) after successful completion of student teaching, all NYSED required exams, required seminars and the edTPA.
Graduate students formally apply for student teaching the semester prior.
All graduate students should confer with their adviser prior to applying to student teach.
- Apply by September 15 for the spring semester
- Apply by by February 15 for the summer or fall semester