Lisa A. Rafferty, Ph.D.
Professor Ketchum Hall 110EOffice: (716) 878-5313
Email: rafferla@buffalostate.edu
About Lisa Rafferty, professor
Dr. Lisa A. Rafferty is a full professor in the Exceptional Education Department at Buffalo State. Additionally, Rafferty holds graduate faculty status at the University at Buffalo, working with the students in the joint doctoral program.
She obtained her Ph.D. from the University at Buffalo in 2008. Her research interests emanate from her teaching experiences with students at-risk for and with emotional and behavioral disabilities. She is interested in identifying and studying interventions that help ameliorate social and academic deficits simultaneously for this population of students.
During her career, Rafferty has made numerous presentations at the local, state, and national/international levels. She also has published in peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Behavioral Education, Childhood Education, Applied Behavior Analysis in Practice, TEACHING Exceptional Children, Remedial and Special Education, and Beyond Behavior.
- Ph. D. Special Education (Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities), University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- M.S.Ed Special Education (Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities), SUNY Buffalo State, Buffalo, NY
- B.A. English, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- The Dr. Barbara Frey Faculty Award in Education, Buffalo State, 2018
- SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015
- President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Buffalo State, 2013
- EXE 362: Behavior Management
- EXE 389: Special Topics Seminar for Student Teaching
- EXE 501: Assessment and Technologies for People with Special Needs
- EXE 628: Consultation and Collaboration in the Classroom
- EXE 634: Applied Behavior Analysis
- Behavioral Strategies
- Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies
- Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
- Formative-Based Assessment
- Practice-Based Research
- Professional Development and Coaching
- Self-Regulatory Strategies
- Single-Subject Research
- Budin, S., Hashey, A., Patti, A., & Rafferty, L. (2021). Translating high-leverage practices to remote environments: Tips for teacher educators. Journal of Special Education Preparation 1(1), 25-35.
- Budin, S., Patti, A., & Rafferty, L. A. (2022). Teaching cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and independence. Book chapter in HLPs for Inclusive Classrooms (2nd ed.): New York, NY: Routledge and Council for Exceptional Children.
- Patti, A. L., Budin, S., Rafferty, L. A., & Maheady, L. (2021). The role of high leverage practices in effective inclusive elementary schools. Book chapter in Handbook of Effective Inclusive Elementary Schools: Research and Practice (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
- Rafferty, L. A., Patti, A., & Henry, D. (2020). Collaborative curriculum development to prepare candidates certified in both general and special education. Book chapter in The Impact of PDS in Challenging Times: Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Rafferty, L. A., & Asaro-Saddler, K. (in press). Effective self-management strategies. Book chapter in Research Encyclopedia of Inclusive and Special Education: Oxford, England: Oxford University Publishers.
- Maheady, L., Patti, A., Rafferty, L. A., del Prado Hill, P. (in press). School-university partnerships: One institution’s efforts to integrate and support teacher use of high leverage practices. Remedial and Special Education.
- Budin, S., Patti, A., & Rafferty, L. A. (2018). Teaching cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and independence. Book chapter in HLPs for Inclusive Classrooms: New York, NY: Routledge and Council for Exceptional Children.
- Rafferty, L. A., Patti, A., & Henry, D. (2018). Collaborative curriculum development to prepare candidates certified in both general and special education. Book chapter in The Impact of PDS in Challenging Times: Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Turner, J., Rafferty, L. A., Sullivan, R., & Blake, A. (2017). Action research of an error self-correction intervention: Examining the effects on the spelling accuracy behaviors of fifth-grade students identified as at-risk. Preventing School Failure, 61(2), 146-154.
- Zibreg Hargis, D., Patti, A. L., Maheady, L., Budin, S., & Rafferty, L. (2016). Using interdependent group contingencies with randomly selected criteria and rewards to enhance homework performance in an eighth-grade classroom. Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools, 15(2), 172-188.
- Maheady, L., Rafferty, L. A, Patti, A. & Budin, S. (2016). Leveraging change: Influencing the implementation of evidence-based practices to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 14(2), 109-120.
- Wall, C., Rafferty, L. A., Camizzi, M., Van Blargan, D., & Max, C. (2016). Color-coded, onset-rime decoding intervention: Examining the effectiveness with students with and at-risk for learning disabilities. Preventing School Failure, 60(1), 1-9.