Gliset C. Morales, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Ketchum Hall 206Office: (716) 878-4639
Email: colong@buffalostate.edu
Ph.D., Special Education, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
M.S.ED., Bilingual Special Education, Buffalo State University, Buffalo, NY.
B.S.ED., Exceptional Education, Buffalo State University, Buffalo, NY.
2024 Dr. Muriel A. Howard Presidential Award for the Promotion of Equity and Campus Diversity
English Journal Edwin M. Hopkins Award, 2021; Educators Who Are Shaping History Award, 2020; Business First 40 under 40 award, 2018, New York's 40 under 40 Rising Latino Stars, 2018; Early Faculty Career Award for Community Engagement, 2018
EXE 100: Nature and Needs of Individuals Who Are Exceptional
EXE 362: Behavior and Classroom Management
EXE 371: Foundations of Teaching Children with Disabilities
EXE 500: Individuals with Special Needs
EXE 502: Contingency Management
BXE 623: Foundations and Theory of Bilingual General and Special Education
BXE 625: Teaching Literacy in Bilingual General and Special Education
BXE 626: Assessment Techniques in Bilingual General and Special Education
EXE 632: Direct Instruction Intervention Models for Students with Special Needs
ESL 503: Foundations of Foreign and Second Language Education
ESL 600: English as a Second Language Methods
ESL 602: Assessment in Foreign and Second Language Education
LAI 574: Teaching the Exceptional Learner in the General Education Classroom
EXE 420/504: Practicum in Special Education
EXE 682: Field Practicum in Special Education
BXE 628: Field Practicum in Bilingual Special Education
BXE 682: Field Experience in Bilingual General and Special Education
Her teaching focuses on the foundations of special education, bilingual education, the intersection of both, as well as the assessment of multilingual learners. In addition to her teaching, Dr. Morales is actively engaged in research and service. Her work focuses on language outcomes for multilingual students, both with and without disabilities, multi-tiered systems of support, disproportionality, and culturally and linguistically relevant instruction and assessment. Recently, she has also explored the intersection of art and advocacy, recognizing the power of art as a transformative tool for social change. Through this lens, Dr. Morales integrates creative expression into her scholarly work, using art not only as a medium for advocacy but also as a means to amplify the voices of marginalized communities, particularly multilingual learners and students with disabilities. Her passion for art allows her to bridge education and advocacy in innovative ways, promoting equity and inclusion through both academic and artistic avenues. Dr. Morales remains deeply committed to advancing bilingual education and enhancing teacher preparation programs.
2025-2026 President, New York State Association for Bilingual Education
2024-2025 President Elect, New York State Association for Bilingual Education
2023-Present Advocacy Committee Leadership Group, New York State Association for Bilingual Education
2023-Present Board member, The Belle Center
2022-Present Leadership Team, NY Advocates for Fair and Inclusive Resources for Multilingual Learners (NY-AFFIRMs)
2017-Present Coordinator, Bilingual Inclusive Education, GCP
Doody, K. R. & Colón, G. (2022). Positive Behavioral Supports and Strategies for Young Children. In Fisher & Zimmerman (Eds.), Early Childhood Special Education Programs and Practices. Slack Publishers.
Colón, G. & Alsace T. O. (2022). Bilingual Special Education for the 21st Century: A New Interface. IGI Global.
Garas-York, K., Henry, J.J., Colón, G., & del Prado Hill, P. (2022). Supervising linguistically diverse student teachers. In Baecher, Burns & McCorvey (Eds.), Supervision in Clinically Based Teacher Education: Advances, Opportunities and Exploration. Information Age Publishing.
Colón, G., Zgliczynski, T., & Maheady, L. (2022). Using flexible grouping. In McKlesky et al. (Ed.), High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms (2nd Edition). Routledge.
Alsace, T. O. , Akinsulure-Smith, A. M., & Colón, G. (2021). Professional development module: Approaches to Educating Refugees and Immigrants. CUNY - Initiative on Immigration and Education. CUNY-IIE. https://www.cuny-iie.org/comprehensive-educator-modules
Hunter, J. D., & Colón, G. (2020). #YouthLivesMatter: Writing critical micropoems as urban social critiques, English Journal, 110(2). ***Note, for this article, Dr. Hunter and I won the “2021 English Journal Edwin M. Hopkins Award and the article was selected for the NCTE book, “Special Issues: Trauma-Informed Teaching, Volume 1”.
Lewellen, C., Bohonos, J. W. Colón, G., & Henderson, E., (2020). African American women’s career development: Considering intersectional differences in language and personality type. In Claretha Hughes (Ed.), Implementation Strategies for Improving Diversity in Organizations (2nd Edition). IGI Global. *Peer reviewed chapter
Maheady, L., Zgliczynski, T., & Colón, G. (2018). Using flexible grouping to improve educational outcomes for students with and without disabilities. In McKlesky et al. (Eds.), High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms, Routedge.